Pack de documents gratuits en anglais
Ce pack contient tous les documents gratuits en Anglais
Il est inclus dans tous les packs de base de Novomeo
La liste des documents du pack se trouve ci-dessous...
Les 67 documents ci-dessous sont inclus
Répertoires (8)
- Bönninghausen's Characteristics Repertory - Boger Cyrus M.
- Covid-19 index - De Baets Piet
- Kent's Repertory (6th Ed.) - Kent James Tyler
- Repertory of Hering's Guiding Symptoms - Knerr Calvin B.
- Repertory of families of remedies - Van Zandvoort Roger
- Sensations As If: A Repertory of Subjective Symptoms - Roberts Herbert A.
- Unabridged Dictionary of Sensations As If - Ward James William
- Unabridged Dictionary of Sensations As If - Ward James William
Matières Médicales (24)
- A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - Clarke John Henry
- A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics - Cowperthwaite Allen Corson
- A text book of gynecology designed for the student and general practitioner - Cowperthwaite Allen Corson
- Accoucheur's Emergency Manual - Yingling William A.
- Handbook of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics - Allen Timothy Field
- Homeopathic Materia Medica - Boericke William
- Homoeopathic drug pictures - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- Key-Notes to the Materia Medica - Guernsey Henry Newell
- Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - Allen Henry Clay
- Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics - Nash Eugene Beauharis
- Leaders in Typhoid Fever - Nash Eugene Beauharis
- Lectures on Homoepathic Materia Medica - Kent James Tyler
- Lectures on Materia Medica - Dunham Carroll
- New and old forgotten Remedies - Anshutz Edward P.
- Provers of the guiding symptoms - Hering Constantine
- Regional leaders - Nash Eugene Beauharis
- Reversed repertory - Kent James Tyler
- Sensation as if materia medica - Roberts Herbert A.
- Seven-hundred red line symptoms - Hutchinson J.W.
- Text book of Materia Medica - Lippe Adolph D. von
- The Chronic Diseases, their Specific Nature and Homoeopathic Treatment - Hahnemann Samuel
- The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - Allen Timothy Field
- The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica - Hering Constantine
- The Rheumatic Remedies - Roberts Herbert A.
Thérapeutique (25)
- A study of Kent's repertory - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- Curability of cataract with medicines vopoie - Burnett James Compton
- Delicate, backward, puny, and stunted children - Burnett James Compton
- Different ways of finding the remedy - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- Diseases of the skin - Burnett James Compton
- Diseases of the veins - Burnett James Compton
- Enlarged tonsils cured by medicines - Burnett James Compton
- Fevers and blood poisoning - Burnett James Compton
- Gold as a remedy in disease - Burnett James Compton
- Gout and its cure - Burnett James Compton
- Hahnemann's conception of chronic disease - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- Homoeopathy in the nursery - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- Homoeopathy introductory lectures - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- La pandémie de Covid 19: un défi et une grande opportunité pour l’Homéopathie - De Baets Piet
- Natrum muriaticum - Burnett James Compton
- On fistula and its radical cures by medicines - Burnett James Compton
- On neuralgia, its causes and its remedies - Burnett James Compton
- Organ diseases of women and sterility - Burnett James Compton
- Repertorizing - Tyler Margaret L.Weir, John
- Spleen diseases - Burnett James Compton
- The change of life in women - Burnett James Compton
- The diseases of the liver - Burnett James Compton
- The new cure of consumption by its own virus - Burnett James Compton
- Tumours of the breast - Burnett James Compton
- Vaccinosis and its cure by Thuya - Burnett James Compton
Pathogénésies (6)
- Cuscuta europea - Renoux Hélène
- Helium - Renoux Hélène
- Morpho menelaus occidentalis - Renoux Hélène
- Samarskite - A Proving - Boger Cyrus M.
- Sequoiadendron gigantea - Renoux Hélène
- Ulva lactuca - Renoux Hélène
Philosophie (4)